Let's Talk

To create a compelling Webinar, one must be able to master the best practices. As you may know, Webinar is a great choice if you want to host a live event to a worldwide audience! Yet, some of you might have no idea how to ace it. If you’ve never tried hosting or setting up a webinar before, it might be a little tricky to navigate. However, there are several reasons why mastering this internet-based video meeting platform can help maximize your time and success while inviting in paying customers.

Not only that it is free, but you also don’t have to rent out space somewhere, grab a portion of food and drinks and purchase other costly deals to make an in-person meeting possible. In a webinar setting, you can skip all of that. Additionally, customers only commit to one presentation per week, so it’s crucial to get to know these 10 best practictices on how to create a compelling Webinar presentation.

Let’s get started.

1. Create a plan.

Initially, you should put everything on paper or a whiteboard. Create an agenda that you and your team want to talk about or address.  In webinar planning, when you get a concrete basis for your demonstration, it will come out strong.

You should be able to answer the following questions:

If you incorporate each of these elements to your slides, you are on your way to yielding some successful results

2. Choose a Dependable Webinar Program.

Now you’ve got to sort it all out. The next step in creating a compelling Webinar is choosing a respectable webinar platform. A trustworthy webinar venue can build up your customer’s interest instead of annoying them with so many pop up ads.

Mobile versions and desktop versions should both be supported as not everyone has the same taste and preferences. Be watchful with the maximum limit of the audience too. The last thing you want to happen is losing a percentage of the audience population, not because of the presentation itself but because the maximum limit of viewers has been reached.

3. Choose the Best Time and Day to Host your Webinars

Early mornings are usually allocated for team huddles and email routines, while noons are for lunch break and in the late afternoons, people are most likely tired and want to head back home. Hence, 10-11 am is the perfect time to host a webinar! What about the which day? Well, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays are the most favored day of the week to attend a web conference. The clear indicator seems to be obvious, Mondays and Fridays are the busiest days of the week.

Bonus Tip: Consider the difference in time zones too.

4. Please Avoid Boring Visual Slides.

Focus on visualizations, rather than creating plain old bulleted lists. That's one of the keypoints people miss when creating a compelling webinar.

Instead of showing them this:

Why not try this?

3. Do a Series of Rehearsals.

Before the big day comes up, get everyone in one room to do a dry run because why not? Practice makes perfect ladies and gentlemen!Make sure to tick off all the boxes on your checklist! Don’t forget to eliminate distracting noises. You don’t want your audience to get sidetracked by some unnecessary sounds in the background.

6. What is your Product and Why do you Think your Clients Need it?

So you got all the previous steps done. Now, onto the actual delivery. Greetings were given.  So what’s next? An introduction to your product is one. You can start by explaining what your service or product is all about and why it’s an asset to them. Make it simple. Be straight to the point. Don’t leave vague details. If you fail on this part, it’s hard to keep them interested until the end.

7. Tell them your Story.

One way to engage with your audience is by sharing your story --  from your humble beginnings to where you are right now. However, if your personal account is not relevant to the company’s journey, you can instead share a client’s story as to how your business was able to contribute to their lives. You can do this by sharing a video of a client’s testimonial. 

Bonus Tip: Remember, not every experience works best for everyone so it’s best to admit that out front. 99% of the time, it works like magic.

8. Say the offer.

To successfully create a compelling webinar, you must be able to convert leads into clients. This is the part where you get to do this. Now, if they don’t seem to be interested at this point, chances are, they might never come back. Now is the time to reaffirm everything that you've said.

You can even make it more persuasive by giving an exclusive offer or freebies to webinar viewers only. This would give you an opportunity to make your offer stand out more. On top of that, you can add more special items to the package and note down as a limited offer. Be sure to offer a guarantee on your product, like a money-back deal, to maintain that level of trust you’ve already made.

9. Call-to-Action.

Let’s say your webinar proposal is producing good results. Now you can cap it all off with an invitation to visit a landing page on your website where a countdown timer is running so your clients would know exactly when the offer stops. You can also send a thank you email to all the viewers after the meeting. You can include a link to the offer with detailed instructions. For those who didn’t make it, you can send out a recording of the whole meeting.

10. A Q&A Portion at the End of the Webinar

If you aren’t that experienced in hosting Webinars, it might be difficult to predict the questions you’ll be asked. Sometimes, you won’t even hear any questions from the live audience at all. It’s not like they are not interested enough to know, it’s just that they prefer to listen than do the talk.

You can also prepare a set of FAQs that most of your customers inquire about your products or services. This might encourage some to think a question of their own.


We hoped we gave you more than the basics. Webinars don’t perfectly work out without any strategies. All of these best practices to create a compelling Webinar might just be put to waste if you don’t consider applying a friendly, conversational tone. If you need to invest in paid webinars, there are a lot of options available online too.

Your viewers’ time is valuable. So make every minute count!

Here at Highmark SEO, we never stop looking for ways to help you achieve your business needs.  We hope this article gave you another perspective about how Webinar can get you into the right track, well, if used effectively. If you want to learn more about some practical ways to shape up your digital marketing skills and the like, tune in for more Highmark SEO blogs!

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Starting your own business is a no-brainer decision. But building a successful brand is. It takes a lot of consistency, effort, confidence, bravery and time to accomplish everything. Nowadays, personal branding does not only apply to celebrities and major companies. Ordinary people across the globe are already crafting their own. They all have the same reason why they quit their jobs ---- the corporate branding machine slavery is too much. If you want to start a new adventure on your own, try out these 5 secrets to successful personal branding that your future self would definitely be thankful for.

To begin with, you can’t build a personal brand unless you are willing to be unique. This serves as your starting point towards personal branding effectiveness. However, do you know how significant uniqueness is when you’re marketing yourself? Quite frankly, it should mean a lot, if you don't feel the same way, then that could hold you back from success.

Being unique turns you into a memorable personality.

Being different from everyone else help you stand out from the crowd, leaving a mark with your audience that’s hard to forget. Once they talk about your boldness, how you’ve decided to rise above the masses and reject status quo, people will start talking about you. It’s time to blaze your own trail!

Whatever you want to be --- an entrepreneur, a lifestyle coach, a blogger or a Youtube superstar --- being unique or different, add value to your whole package. Why become a mainstream mommy blogger when you can be a “mom of a picky eater son” type of blogger?

In SEO, you can’t just force people to search for your targeted keyword anytime. But when they do, your main goal is to position your website at the top of the search results through SEO strategies.

This isn’t far from personal branding.

Personal Brand innovators always find their niche and focus on it. 

For example, digital marketing gurus focus on growing sales by getting more traffic. If you’ve got the expertise, experience, attitude and dedication to solve this problem, then make it the center of your career. Continue to educate yourself about this subject. It doesn’t mean that if you’re good at it, you stop learning new things. Learning should be a lifetime activity.

Additionally, digital marketing won’t fail you. It’s a promising niche. It’s becoming popular because the percentage of internet users continues to grow everyday. In the same way, this increases the value of advertising online. Therefore, it’s best to choose a currently flourishing niche so you have higher volume of possible customers.

Study shows that images and stories are found to be stimulators of emotions. And when emotions are felt, either good or bad ones, a human brain reacts to it. That plays a role in our mental health. As a collateral effect, you get emotionally connected customers.

With that being said, storytelling and photos play a major role in your overall branding.

When it comes to business, we tend to implement our brands more consciously and intentionally. That is why design is created. It is the most powerful tool that you can use to channel your personality, your taste and totality.

In your images or blogs, you can use your own choice of colors, themes, written styles, your wardrobe picks, and so many more visual and written elements. They serve as the cornerstones of your personal branding. Be genuine and consistent.

In addition to images, storytelling is another way to elevate your company’s brand. If you find yourself NOT getting any ideas to share on your stories, don't worry you’ll get there! In fact, there are so many things that you can talk about in your stories. For example, what are your inspirations and goals? Where did you come from? Why did you decide to tell the story? And more!

Focus on your real life story.

Having your own brand means getting out of the office a lot. The thought of spending a good amount of time presenting yourself in front of the crowd will pave a way for more opportunities to get connected to your target audience, potential customers and clients. At the same time, this will boost your brand name’s presence.

Your local community should be a great place to start. Become involved in outreach events or local groups that work around the same angle and profession with you.

However, if you’d like to try out bigger audiences, then conferences and networking events won’t fail you. Also, take advantage of social media live streaming like Facebook and Instagram. Social media live streaming lets you broadcast a live video out to your audience through your company page or personal profile. It features interactive chat functions where your audience can write in comments simultaneously. Some successful brands choose to do it right at their homes to be a bit raw and personal.

Content marketing is no secret to personal branding. It’s already common sense these days that every personal brand maintains a company or personal blog. We’ve discussed in our previous article the 10 Savvy Types to Content Marketing and mentioned that blog works effectively in garnering high traffic. So, when you already have a blog that is up and running, then you can try out guest blogging.

Guest blogging is guest posting on other relevant blogs. Initially, you’ll be requesting to write blogs on behalf of popular websites. When you do it successfully, your guest blog posts will come out in searches under your name or the company your represent. What’s your cut? Well, you get to “borrow” and “attract” the audience from those well-known websites. At the end of the blog, you’ll likely be given the opportunity to feature your personal brand by providing a quick overview and links.

To be successful at personal branding, you need to be a BRAND NEW YOU. That is, be yourself, be as authentic as you can in a world of copycats. Personal branding is more than just marketing and promoting yourself. It is more on touching people’s lives and being an inspiration to their daily routines.

To be the “go to” person in your chosen niche, you have to take a significant amount of time and energy. Best to spend that time and energy in the best way possible!  Apply these 5 secrets to personal branding and ultimately, you’ll be able to build a personal brand that matches your personality and enjoy the inevitable success that follows.

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Email is one of the most popular means of digital marketing today. It has been around for decades, which makes it an ever-developing strategy that involves lots of trial and error.

You're bound to make lots of mistakes that will cost you time, effort, and money as an email marketer. And that opens doors for your competition to win.

If you're in such a position, don't worry! This guide is for you.

In today's article, we'll learn nine powerful tips to boost your sales with email marketing.

Let's dive in.

What is Email Marketing?

Email marketing is a form of digital marketing that uses email to connect with prospects and customers.

It's a great approach to increase brand awareness and boost sales. It's also a brilliant strategy to keep your customers informed of your latest news and offers.

More importantly:

Unlike social media or SEO, your success isn't dependable on any online platform. You'll own the list of subscribers and have permission to reach out to your audience anytime you want.

Is Email Marketing Still Effective?

Email marketing may have lost some of its power throughout the years.

It's not as powerful as it was.

There used to be a time when email open-rates were higher than 95%, and people would read every sentence you wrote.

But as more companies started email marketing, the competition got more intense. People lost interest in checking every email they receive.

The average open-rates for businesses today is as low as 25%.

But despite all that…

Email marketing is still one of the best digital marketing techniques today.

It's 40x more effective in acquiring new customers than Facebook and Twitter combined (McKinsey). And by 2023, there will be 4.3 billion email users online (Statista) — which is half of the world's population.

So, of course!

Email marketing is still effective.

It's a great way to connect with your prospects and promote your brand. And there's a lot of potential for growth and success with emailing for your business.

9 Actionable Tips to Boost Your Sales With Email Marketing

The first thing to keep in mind when getting started with email marketing is this:

Your emails need to be valuable to your audience.

If all you do is send spammy content or sales letters, followers will lose interest in your content. Your most valuable prospects will unsubscribe from your newsletter.


You must give your audience a reason to click on your emails and read them.

Help your followers transform their lives with your best tips, tricks, and advice. Give them solutions to their problems and keep them updated with the latest trends.


Here are nine actionable tips to succeed with email marketing...

1- Build Your Own List

Your target customers are your best bet of selling your products and services.

If you want higher engagement rates and conversions, your email list needs to be unique to your business and offers.

You can't buy or collect emails randomly from the web — neither should you send people emails without their permission.


There are many ways you can collect emails from your prospects and customers.

You can install sign up features and opt-in forms on your websites. You may also promote freebies, samples, or offer gated content on your site.

Whatever you implement, never stop growing your list and attracting new prospects.

2- Optimize Your Sender Information

Optimizing your sender information is essential if you want to establish trust with your audience and email providers.

Imagine receiving an email from a random email address with no clear brand or company name.

Even if it lands in your inbox folder, there’s very little chance that you’ll ever open it.

The same is true for your email subscribers...

You must use a professional sender’s name along with a branded email address. Be sure to use the same sender information to maintain trust and brand recognition.

3- Write Captivating Subject Lines

The subject line is arguably the most critical part of your email campaign.


Because an email that doesn’t get opened may as well not exist.

You may be able to optimize and refine everything in your email. But if your open rates are low, none of that matters. You’ll miss on great opportunities to connect with your audience.


You need to write captivating subject lines each time you send out a new email.

Here are a few tips to make your email subject lines more appealing:

  • Enhance curiosity through truthful promises
  • Grab attention with strong words and storytelling
  • Personalize your titles by including the receiver’s name
  • Create urgency with limited offers

Your email marketing service provider will allow you to track email opens for each campaign you send.


Test, test, test…

Keep learning about what works best with your audience and double down on it.

4- Personalize Your Emails

People love to read their names on the screen for many reasons.

It makes the interaction feel more genuine and relevant. But more importantly, online consumers love to be treated as individuals.

To personalize your emails:

Use the receiver’s first name in the subject line and copy or send emails based on time and location.

You may also personalize your message by being specific about the prospects’ struggles and challenges. Send them personalized offers and promotions.


You don’t have to get too personal with everyone. Just showing that you care about your followers is enough to capture their attention.

5- Refine Your Copy

Do you struggle when it comes to writing a compelling email copy?

Don't worry!

We'll share with you the most popular copywriting tips you can apply to make your copy more powerful.

For starters:

Be sure to keep your sentences short and concise. And break down your long paragraphs into smaller sections to increase readability.


Be sure to avoid industry jargon and big words in your copy. Instead, use natural language that everyone can read and understand.

Choose your words carefully, and don't over promise on what you'll deliver. Be honest in everything you say to maintain trust and honesty.

Most importantly:

Make sure to stay relevant and send your followers emails they can resonate with.

The last thing you want is for someone to read your email and wonder:

Why am I on this list?

6- Call to Action

An email marketing campaign doesn't always have to end with a sale. It's part of your sales journey that moves your audience down the funnel.

Yet, moving prospects forward in your buyer's journey isn't a random process.

Never assume that your audience knows what to do next. Giving clear instructions on what action they should take next is a must.


End all your emails with clear CTAs to trigger action.

Be specific about what they should do next, but don't overwhelm them with too many options.

More importantly:

Highlight the benefits they'll get from clicking your link, replying to your email, or visiting a page.

7- Avoid Spam Filters

A spam filter is a system designed to detect and stop unwanted emails from reaching the user’s inbox. If an email is marked as spam, it will go to the user’s spam folders where they’ll never see it.

Here are some techniques to keep your emails out of the spam folder:

  • Ask for permission to send emails in your opt-in forms
  • Avoid buying or renting email lists online
  • Don’t use ALL CAPS in your subject line or email copy
  • Add an “unsubscribe” button at the end of your email
  • Don’t use spam trigger words such as “free”, “guarantee”, “cheap price”, etc.
  • Avoid embedding forms, videos, javascript, or including attachments in your emails

8- Create a Content Calendar

It's crucial to keep your audience engaged with your brand through consistent content. Therefore, you should send regular updates about your business, exclusive offers, new blog articles, etc.


The whole thing can be hard to manage if you're looking to send multiple emails a week. That's why you need a content schedule for your content marketing plan.


Creating a content calendar for your email marketing is a great way to stay on top of things. It helps plan your content ahead of time and stay organized with your emails.

Better yet:

You can automate the whole thing by using an email marketing service.

The system will send your campaigns at specific times according to schedule. It will target specific segments of your audience based on where they are in the buyer's journey.

9- Test and Learn

We can give you 100 tips to succeed with email marketing today. But without testing, none of that is going to help you.

Businesses, industries, and audiences all differ based on multiple factors.

There isn’t a universal subject line that works for all emails. And there can’t be an ultimate structure to writing emails that works for all campaigns.

You have to test things out through split testing and A/B testing to learn about your audience.

For instance, you must:

  • Try multiple subject lines and sender information
  • Improve your preview text (first line) by using different opening lines
  • Build various email formats and structures to see what gets the most clicks
  • Experiment with different call to actions and closing lines

But above all...

You have to monitor your email campaigns and identify the changes in your results. Only then will you be able to make well-informed decisions to improve your emails.

Wrapping It Up

Email marketing goes beyond delivering messages to a subscriber’s inbox.

It’s a highly effective way to connect with your prospects and help them solve their problems. And it can be a powerful way to boost sales and attract loyal customers.

Follow the tips in this guide to take your email marketing game to the next level.

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